Enrique Castrejon_Chanel

February 2 through March 22, 2012
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 2, 7-10PM

Waifs & Strays, Enrique Castrejon’s examination of queer subculture, investigates, dissects, and reinterprets images of the male form. the artist uses mathematical equations and measurements to transform nude bodies, scantily clad “masseurs,” bears, twinks, jocks and studs into geometric line drawings on collage.

Castrejon says his images reflect gay escort ads, “investigating ideas of sexuality, gay male identity, body image, huslting, created identity and social space. I fragment and measure my drawings on paper from images found in magazines, newspapers, catalogues, other media sources and personal photos. I create new interpretations of the appropriated image by inter-changing its corresponding shapes and form – possibly offering other narratives or compositional abstractions.”

Attempting to understand the male form and, ultimately, appreciate its beauty, is nothing new. For centuries artists have studied, explored and obsessed over the male body, revisiting this ideal. In Greek art, the male nude was widely celebrated.
With each fragmented image, Castrejon explores the nuanced social mores of gay culture and brings to light the allure and pitfalls of male cruising, sexual anonymity and playful reckless abandon.

Born in Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico, Castrejon studied Fine Art at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and earned his Masters of Fine Art from CalArts. He has been featured in many group shows and art fairs throughout Southern California and abroad, including the Armory Center for the Arts, Art Platform: Los Angeles, Barnsdall Art Center, Claremont Art Museum, LA Art Core, LACE, MOCA’s Fresh 2009, Pulse: Miami, Santa Monica Museum of Art’s Incognito (2009-2012), Outpost of Contemporary Art, Torrance Art Museum and the Wignall Museum.



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