David Weidman_Family of Birds

January 28 through January 31, 2010

David Weidman began his career as a commercial illustrator and animator during the 1950s. During the 1960s and 1970s, he produced an extensive body of work, including lithographs, serigraphs, and posters. However, perhaps Weidman’s greatest acclaim is having worked for the upstart United Productions of America (UPA), which produced animated classics such as Mr. Magoo and the Academy Award-winningGerald McBoing-Boing. At 88, Weidman’s oeuvre conveys a vintage modernism complete with striking color style, graphic sensibility, and expert use of saturated colors. His highly graphic works-on-paper display a pared-down, flat style expressing whimsy, magic, and wonder. Over 15 framed works were on view throughout the DWR Pasadena studio in this exclusive experimental exhibit. During the opening reception, the artist was honored by the City of Los Angeles as a Cultural Treasure.